| Travel, Lugano, Running, Travel,

The First Thing I’m Going To Do After Lockdown

Beatrice Lessi

A piece of my heart is in Ticino.

Through my cooperation with Swiss Deluxe Hotels (the association of forty  5-stars hotels in Switzerland) I got to know the region better. Last time I visited, I went with photographer Alex Lambrechts and his wife Jasmin Brunner, to write a review for H, the new magazine of Swiss Deluxe Hotels.

Here are some of the pictures he took (there are many more), that made me feel I want to go back as soon as we are all free to travel again.

Being so close to Italy, Ticino has been hit by Covid-19 first, and hard. It is so perfect for running while admiring its beautiful landscapes, that I will definitely run there again soon.

With this dream in mind, Happy Easter!


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