Swiss fashion bloggers Beatrice and Geri drinking at a party
| Beatrice's Top 10, Lifestyle,

The 10 Best Swiss Fashion Blogs

Beatrice Lessi

Measuring a swiss fashion blog‘s impact is hard: what do you consider exactly? The number of social media followers? The revenue they can generate? The amount of press coverage they receive? Their daily or monthly traffic?

Many of these things are also hard to measure, because for sure a fashion blog’s owner won’t let us access to their analytics or bank account. So I base my chart on social media following, which is what everybody can clearly see and measure.

Some Swiss journalists have written that these numbers are also arguable, in the sense that a big number of followers often reflects an audience from different countries, or a not very engaged audience. Whatever the case, the bigger the following, the bigger the impact – this is a fact. So here is the chart:


1.Kayture, by Kristina Bazan

Even though one might argue that Bazan’s blog is hardly Swiss (her work is, by now, very international), Kristina can definitely be counted as a Swiss fashion blogger. Her reputation is also the best in the business: she has worked with the best brands in fashion and she is very respected. Media love swiss blogger Kayture, and fashionistas too.

2. Chic Overdose, by Xenia Tschoumitcheva

Facebook: 5.2M likes (Xenia Tchoumicheva’s personal profile)

Instagram: 1M followers (Xenia’s personal profile)

More than the Chic Overdose blog, Xenia’s strength is her personal name. Again, Xenia’s work can be considered international, mixed with modeling, and so, for the purists, not much of a Swiss fashion blog. Fact is, though: Xenia is always in the Swiss media and has a great following!

3. Sandra’s Closet, by Sandra Bauknecht

Facebook: 218K likes

Instagram: 21.8K followers

Sandra is one of the first Swiss bloggers and has a steady curriculum in fashion. Since both Kristina Bazan and Xenia Tchoumi are hardly in Switzerland, she is often the biggest star and fashion  at Zurich events.

4. Ask the Monsters, by Beatrice and Geri

Facebook: 93K likes

Instagram:30.5K followers (@gefficiel)

The Swiss fashion bloggers, Beatrice Lessi and Geri Preses, started working together only 6 months ago, but numbers are doing well. The blog Ask the Monsters mainly focuses on events, fashion, lifestyle and trips in Switzerland.

5. The Fashion Fraction, by Michèle Krüsi

Facebook: 13.6K likes

Instagram: 89.7K followers

Michèle works steadily in Zurich and is often seen at events. Her strength is her Instagram, with a big German following too.

6.Her Etiquette, by Nel-Olivia Waga

Facebook: 20.2K likes

Instagram: 60.3K followers

Nel-Olivia is a Swiss fashion blogger specialised in luxury and also owns a marketing company – she works with top brands and writes a column for Forbes.

7. Aenymblaze, by Minea Jud

Facebook: no account with the blog

Instagram: 59.3K followers

Minea is totally adored by young people. She writes and talks both in German and English in her blog, so she perfectly reflects her target and generation.

8. Sylwina, by Sylwina

Facebook: 2’850 likes

Instagram: 38K followers

Sylwina is the  main food blogger in Switzerland, but she also works with fashion brands and travels regularly, so her blog is also about lifestyle.

9. Wallaceyolicia, by Marie

Facebook: 34.5K likes

Instagram: 74.1K followers

From the French part of Switzerland, Marie is a student and a street fashion blogger with a strong Instagram profile.

10. The Lips-Brothers, by Oliver and Moritz Lips

Facebook: 1’300 likes

Instagram: 6.2K followers

Being male bloggers, the Lips brothers are part of a different group of swiss fashion bloggers. However, they work regularly with top brands and are very active in the Swiss online scene.



  1. Bel sito complimenti!

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