| Fashion Advice

How to Wear Shorts After 40…and 50 and 55!

Baba, Schwyz

You are often seen wearing shorts, but what are the rules for styling them after 40, or even better after 50? Sure we need to be careful. Can you give any tips?

Beatrice Lessi

You are right: I am wearing shorts all the time, and I am 57 years old. I do follow some rules I always applied to them: 1. Avoid shorts in formal occasions (and obviously at work), 2. Wear them for sport and on holiday/on the beach, 3. If you wear them in a more formal occasion, cover them partly up with a jacket or cardigan, or otherwise prefer flat boots or trainers, so the final result isn’t overly sexy.

Below, some examples by Alexandra Lapp (who is actually younger!), Yvonne of Funky Forty , and myself.

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