| Travel, Zurich,

Family Portraits – Better Than Prozac

Beatrice Lessi

Mom, all normal people do things during the day, why do we always need to be crazy and wake up at 5am, even just to take pictures ?

Said one of my three daughters, when I told her I had booked a photographer, David Biedert, at 6 am in the centre of Zurich, to take some family portraits.

Because the light is better, there are no people around, and when we have finished we still have a whole day to work.

I answered.

That didn’t really impress her. But the camera effect worked like magic. All of a sudden we were all in the best mood, full of energy and smiles. No coffee or drugs needed!

Since normally I am the one who takes most of the photos, I rarely have the chance to be with husband and daughters, and I was really looking forward to it. We spent two beautiful hours outdoors, watching the sun rise.

To all early risers, good morning and have a fabulous day!


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