| Events, Lifestyle, nutrition, Psychology,

The ultimate health, wellness and longevity summit

Beatrice Lessi

I have heard about the YPO Health and Wellness Network Summit from a friend, who attended it last week. Personally I would have loved to go too, because there were many speakers I follow or whose books I have read, that are among the best scientists, researchers and moderators in the world. I didn’t know about the summit, and probably it would have been too expensive, but I received at least the AI-generated summaries of what was discussed.

I hope they can be a starting point to make you curious,  or motivate your own little research, or lifestyle change.





Jay Shetty on Purpose

  • Practicing mindfulness through using the senses to be present in the moment
  • Letting go of habits and mindsets that no longer serve us, even if they helped us get to where we are
  • Developing
    • Practicing mindfulness through using the senses to be present in the moment.
    • Letting go of habits and mindsets that no longer serve us, even if they helped us get to where we are.
    • Developing compassion for ourselves and others.
    • Checking our levels of belonging, learning, individuality, significance, and service to feel a sense of purpose.
    • Expanding our networks beyond just people who think like us.
    • Knowing how the people close to us like to feel a sense of belonging and significance.
    • Finding work that allows us to impact and benefit the lives of others positively.
    • Five ways to achieve purpose: BLISS
    1. Belonging – it’s not about fitting in. “Belonging can only exist when we are truly ourselves.” It’s about feeling accepted for our full selves.
    • Jay challenged us to share with someone the number one thing you are most afraid of being judged for.
    1. Learning
    2. Individuality
    3. Significance – How do you (and your loved ones) want/need to feel significant? To be celebrated and

Peter Attia – Fireside Chat

  • Train for aging like a “centenarian decathlon” by focusing on 10 activities of daily living and personal goals to maintain independence and quality of life in older age.
  • Measure and improve cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2 max) and strength, which are strong predictors of longevity and mortality risk. Aim to be above average for your age.
  • Prioritize emotional well-being and relationships, as emotional health is one aspect of aging that does not have to decline.
  • Nutrition, exercise, sleep, and other lifestyle factors may impact cellular aging markers like DNA methylation, but more research is needed to understand their effects on health and lifespan.
  • Use wearable technology like heart rate variability monitors cautiously, as most devices cannot provide accurate readings, but some may help optimize training.

Jim Kwik on Brain Performance

  • Embracing a growth mindset and challenging limiting beliefs about one’s abilities can help improve learning, memory, and performance.
  • Controlling one’s physiology through practices like meditation can positively impact the psychology and emotional state, which are important for learning and memory.
  • Applying techniques from accelerated learning programs can help individuals overcome feelings of being “stuck” and make progress in areas like health, happiness, and skills.
  • Developing purpose, managing energy levels, and breaking goals into small, simple steps can help improve motivation.
  • Understanding one’s personality and brain types can help personalize learning strategies for maximum effectiveness.
  • Raising awareness of mental health issues and providing support for those personally affected is important.

Chris Palmer on Mind, Metabolism & Mental Health

  • Mental illness should be viewed as a metabolic disorder affecting the brain. Assessing how treatments impact metabolism is important.
  • Lifestyle treatments like diet, exercise, sleep, and reducing substance use should be considered, as the science shows they can play a role in mental health. The ketogenic diet in particular, shows promise as a metabolic intervention.
  • Integrating mental health, metabolic health, and longevity should be the new approach. Standard treatments are still useful but may need adjusting if harming metabolism.
  • More research is needed to better understand the causes and pathophysiology of mental disorders to develop more effective treatments and potentially cures.

Kelly Starrett –  Built to Move

  • Measuring vital signs like range of motion, sleep, nutrients, and exercise to understand physiology and potential limitations.
  • Techniques like breathing, decongesting, compression, and restoring range of motion reduce pain and improve performance.
  • Tracking minimum standards for aspects of health and exploring one’s body to understand capabilities and limitations.
  • Engaging in activities that allow the body to function as intended and do what it can at any age, like the suggested luggage drill.
  • Becoming curious about how the body works beyond surface-level metrics to improve health, longevity, and quality of life.

Lunch and Learn with Kara Fitzgerald

Workshop: Improve your mental energy with Jim Kwik

  • Using visualization, emotion and movement to intensely learn information quickly, such as counting to 10 in Japanese.

  • Controlling your mindset and using positive self-talk, as negative thoughts can become internalized.
  • Understanding your dominant questions that influence your focus and behaviors, and being able to adjust them.
  • Learning faster by using the F.A.S.T. method: Forget what you know, forget distractions, be Active in your learning, learn in the right State, and Teach others.
  • Using visualization, emotion and action like imagining food items on body parts to memorize information intensely in a short period of time using a “memory palace” technique.
  • Maintaining a healthy brain diet with specific superfoods like avocado, blueberries, broccoli, olive oil, eggs, green leafy vegetables, salmon, turmeric, walnuts, and dark chocolate.
  • Getting regular exercise, managing stress, spending time with positive peers, and maintaining a clean environment to support brain health and function.

Workshop: Metabolic Theory of Mental Illness

Workshop: Understanding the biomarkers of performance

Steven Gundry on Gut Health

  • Maintain adequate vitamin D levels through sunlight exposure or supplementation to support gut and overall health.
  • Consume fermented foods and prebiotic fibers to feed beneficial gut bacteria and promote gut microbiome diversity and reduce inflammation.
  • Eat whole, unprocessed foods to avoid pre-digesting foods and allow beneficial bacteria to access nutrients.
  • Limit red meat and dairy consumption, or choose fermented versions, to avoid autoimmune responses triggered by certain sugar molecules.

Kara Fitzgerald on Naturopathic Medicine

  • Biological aging is the biggest risk factor for diseases like cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Interventions that can slow aging, such as diet and lifestyle changes, may provide significant health and economic benefits.
  • Epigenetic reprogramming through interventions like Yamanaka factors shows promise for reversing hallmarks of aging at the cellular level and potentially rejuvenating tissues and organs.
  • A polyphenol-rich Mediterranean-style diet combined with supplements like probiotics, greens powder and methylation adaptogens was shown to significantly reverse biological aging in an 8-week study.
  • Epigenetic clocks are useful tools for measuring biological age and the impact of interventions. Methylation adaptogens like turmeric, green tea and rosemary seem to most influence age reversal.
  • Small, controlled amounts of stressors found in plants and other natural sources can induce cellular resilience through hormesis, while excess amounts cause harm through oxidative stress.

Ben Greenfield: What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger

  • Moderate exercise, calorie restriction, heat/cold therapy, and oxygen therapy can induce a hormetic response through reactive oxygen species formation, leading to increased longevity and health benefits.
  • It’s important to find the “Goldilocks zone” and not exceed moderate levels of stressors that could cause harm.
  • Fasting, amino acids, ketones, and glycine can help with appetite suppression and calorie restriction.
  • Consumption of plants, herbs and spices provides a xenohormetic response through antioxidants and compounds.
  • Low to moderate alcohol intake of up to 1-2 drinks per day for men and lower for women may provide health benefits, but it’s important to mitigate potential damage through hydration and supplements.

Bryan Johnson Biohacker

  • Pursuing ambitious goals and thinking unconventionally can help find purpose and meaning in life after business success.
  • Aging research has great potential if supported by governments and new technologies like AI, which could accelerate discoveries and make treatments accessible.
  • Comprehensive lifestyle and medical interventions like the Blueprint protocol show promise for improving health and longevity, but require careful testing and monitoring of potential risks.
  • Prioritizing “don’t die” as a shared human value could help address issues like war, the environment, and emerging technologies like AI in a more cooperative way.
  • Early interventions may help prevent larger health problems later in life, so starting health-focused conversations with youth could be beneficial.
  • Continued research into cutting-edge therapies has the potential to further advance aging science and individual health, if conducted carefully and ethically.




Mark Hyman on Nutrition, Health & Wellness

  • Understanding the root causes of aging and disease, such as deregulated nutrient sensing and inflammation
  • Optimizing longevity switches like insulin signaling, mTOR regulation, AMPK activation, and sirtuin activation through diet and lifestyle
  • Practicing intermittent fasting for 14-16 hours daily to promote autophagy and reduce insulin levels
  • Limiting sugar and refined carbohydrate intake, especially in the morning, and focusing on protein, fats and fiber for breakfast
  • Getting 30-40g of high-quality protein within 1-2 hours of strength training along with 0.7-1g of protein per pound of body weight daily
  • Using supplements like curcumin, berberine and resveratrol to activate anti-aging pathways
  • Managing stress through practices like meditation, breathwork and massage
  • Considering therapies and interventions like reasons (parabiosis), hyperbaric oxygen and stem cells to reduce biological age

Colin O’Brady on Beyond Comfort

  • Embracing a growth mindset and being willing to take risks and face challenges in order to achieve personal growth and overcome limitations.
  • Setting big goals and dreams while also taking small, incremental steps to achieve them through perseverance and determination.
  • Finding strength and motivation through positive self-talk and affirmations during difficult times.
  • The importance of having a support system like friends and family who encourage goal-setting and believing in one’s abilities.
  • How striving towards goals as a team through shared vision and mutual support can help people thrive together.
  • Practicing mental resilience and overcoming self-doubt by focusing on inner reflection during challenges.
  • Inspiring others to push beyond their comfort zones and find their “Everest” through challenges like the 12-hour walk.

Dale Bredesen on Alzheimer’s and Brain Health

  • Alzheimer’s disease is becoming increasingly preventable and treatable through early detection, lifestyle changes, and new medical treatments.
  • Factors like diet, exercise, sleep, brain training, and addressing underlying conditions can help optimize brain health and prevent cognitive decline.
  • Blood tests like p-tau 270 can provide early detection and monitoring of Alzheimer’s disease progression.
  • Identifying and removing contributors like inflammation, toxins, and infections is important for treatment.
  • Optimizing synaptic networks, cerebral blood flow, ketone levels, and rebuilding neural connections with supplements or therapies may help protect against Alzheimer’s.
  • New drugs and medical technologies show promise in both preventing and reversing cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer’s and other neurological disorders.

Sara Gottfried on The Autoimmune Cure

  • Use genetics, biomarkers, wearables and precision medicine tools to identify health vulnerabilities and optimize performance for athletes and executives.
  • Address common issues like leaky gut, low vitamin D, and metabolic dysfunction through personalized nutrition, supplements and lifestyle changes.
  • Identify and avoid suboptimal strategies like an overreliance on unhealthy foods and alcohol.
  • Improve metabolic health through continuous glucose monitoring and personalized diets to prevent prediabetes and disease.
  • Optimize health intelligence by measuring key metrics regularly, practicing healing techniques like meditation, and understanding how social connections impact health.
  • Prioritize sleep quality by understanding sleep cycles and ensuring adequate stage 3 sleep for recovery and growth hormone release.

Michael Breus on Sleep

  • Understanding chronotypes and adjusting one’s sleep schedule, bedtime and daily activities based on their chronotype can help improve sleep quality and consolidation.
  • Managing stress, anxiety and negative thoughts through relaxation techniques like deep breathing can aid with falling and staying asleep.
  • Proper nutrition, exercise and sleep hygiene are important for athletic performance and muscle maintenance. Getting sufficient high quality sleep is key.
  • Supplements like magnesium and vitamin D may support sleep quality if deficiencies are identified, but it’s best to consult a doctor first via bloodwork.
  • Choosing a comfortable mattress, pillows and sleep environment tailored to one’s needs, body type and any pain issues can enhance sleep comfort.
  • Understanding sleep stages, REM sleep and dreams is important for physical and mental restoration as well as memory consolidation.
  • Adjusting light exposure and schedules using apps/algorithms can help with jet lag and shift work sleep issues.
  • To get back to sleep when you wake up at 2:30am
  • Key is to keep your heart rate below 60 bpm so don’t get up to go to the bathroom, unless you really need to go.
  • To help with that, don’t drink fluids 1.5 hours before bed
  • Use the 4-7-8 breathing methods to expel CO2 (breath in for 4, hold for 7, breath out for 8)
  • Count backwards from 300 by 3’s to quell the monkey mind.
  • To prep for sleep
  • Be positive, you’ll fall asleep quickly and have better dreams.
  • For example, do your gratitude practice right before sleeping
  • Prepare a runway to land the plane.
  • Externally prep the environment.
  • Install nightlights between bedroom and bathroom so you don’t have to turn on lights.
  • Put phone away. Get an analog clock to tell you what time it is.
  • Don’t watch the clock!

Panel: Pro Athletics to every day life


  • Maintaining an athlete identity through having goals to look forward to, while also pursuing other roles and interests.
  • Learning from failures and setbacks in sports can teach valuable life lessons about overcoming adversity.
  • Prioritizing recovery practices like breathwork, heat/ice therapy, and meditation are important for performance and health.
  • Controlling diet and focusing on whole, unprocessed foods, while also enjoying treats in moderation.
  • Community, connection, and shared experiences can motivate wellness and self-care.
  • Seeking out uncomfortable challenges can aid personal growth and development.
  • Consistency in healthy habits and process is important for success over the long term.
  • Young parents should make time for self-care activities each day for their own well-being.

Workshop: Importance of Sleep

Workshop: The Autoimmune Cure

Workshop: Understanding your biomarkers for Alzheimer’s

  • Dale Bredesen has developed a unique protocol for reversing cognitive impairment and trained 1K physicians. His protocol uses precision medicine to provide protection if you have the APOE4 gene and the results speak for themselves including increased gray matter, 86% improvement in neurocognitive decline. Alzheimer’s is a disease of network insufficiency. Checkout Apollohealthco.com
  • The test is the most comprehensive approach to cognitive decline including:
  • General health
  • Family history
  • Cognitive test
  • Partner test (observations about your daily life)
  • Anesthesia survey
  • Genetic testing
  • Inflammation (CRP)
  • Glucose/Insulin resistance
  • Lipids
  • Methylation
  • Hormones
  • Metals and Toxins
  • A YPO member took the test and we reviewed the results
  • Early onset dementia happens before 65
  • Too many anesthesia procedures not good for Alzheimer’s
  • Your homocysteine and glucose being too high means your brain is shrinking
  • Homocysteine is helped by B12
  • Take the Alzheimer’s test every 6 months
  • You will see changes in your cognition in 3-6 months
  • Add ketones if you have energetic failure
  • Insulin resistance- don’t make enough ketones and that hurts the brain
  • If you have metabolic syndrome 3-5x likelihood of Alzheimer’s
  • Hormones help – progesterone in particular
  • Gundry recommending Vitamin D of 100-150 if you are at risk
  • Vitamin D affects 700 different genes
  • Go to apollohealthco.com for Dresden’s test
  • BrainHQ app for brain training, it apparently works, you should start now!
  • Viagra reduces Alzheimer’s by 60%
  • Mouthwash may increase Alzheimer’s
  • Nitrate rich foods
  • MitoQ to help with mitochondria
  • If you’re not constantly growing and changing your dying
  • Too low weight is risk for Alzheimer’s
  • In terms of potential repair:
  • Mild cognitive impairment is hard to detect
  • Subjective Cognitive Impairment is next level
  • SCI lasts 10 years – 100% can get better
  • 3rd stage – MCI, fixable closest to dementia
  • 4th stage – loose activities of daily living
  • Everyone 40 or over should be checked
  • Depression/apoe 4 neg/ exposure to toxins
  • Watch for Air pollution and Mercury
  • Take a Heremeses score in your house – get IQ air


Be the Architecture of Your Brain’s Destiny – David Perlmutter

  • Lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management play a major role in preventing and delaying Alzheimer’s disease, more so than genetics. Adopting a healthy lifestyle can offset genetic risk.
  • Exercise is important for brain health as it increases production of compounds like interleukin-6 that support brain metabolism and growth.
  • Mouthwash use may increase risk of Alzheimer’s by disrupting the oral microbiome and reducing nitric oxide levels, so consuming nitrate-rich foods is recommended instead.
  • Creativity can be enhanced through practices like meditation, focused thinking sessions, physical activity combined with mind wandering, or stimulating the brain during REM sleep. Finding what works best for the individual can support both creativity and productivity.

Fireside Chat with Andrew Huberman

  • Harnessing focus through merging perceptual spotlights and paying attention to duration, path and outcome of goals.
  • Learning effectively involves perusing literature, note-taking, thinking during walks, and paying attention to body sensations.
  • Purpose and goal-directed pursuits can help maintain cognitive function over time.
  • Ancient practices like breathwork, meditation and psychedelics may help improve energy, stress, sleep when combined with other lifestyle factors.
  • Non-invasive brain stimulation and AI have potential to enhance brain function when guided by values and goals.

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